Hello and Namaste! I am a neuroscientist currently working with Mehrdad Jazayeri and Ila Fiete at MIT in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. Before this, I did my PhD in neuroscience with Chris Pack and Daniel Guitton at McGill University. During my undergraduate and masters, I trained in electrical and biomedical engineering.  

I specialize in computational neuroscience. I use neurophysiology experiments as well as psychophysics to answer questions on visual perception and cognition. I also study patients with brain lesions. One of my long term goals is to understand the mechanisms of neural plasticity after traumatic events like stroke and develop behavioral paradigms to restore cognitive and perceptual deficits caused by cortical damage. 

To make science research more accessible, I have been remotely mentoring students in Nepal under a ‘bridge program’. The goal of the program is to enable students to get experience in science research at places where access to research and mentorship is lacking. To run this program, I established a collaboration at Tilganga Institute of Opthalmology in Nepal where we built a vision research lab.